W 2022 roku nawiązano współpracę w zakresie realizacji innowacyjnych projektów społecznych ukierunkowanych na ich komercjalizację na arenie międzynarodowej. Współpraca w zakresie prac badawczo-rozwojowych pozwoliła na stworzenie urządzenia XoBox, które zaspokaja potrzeby społeczne diabetyków i usprawnia łańcuchy dostaw towarów wymagających chłodzenia.

A Xobox for everyone

As part of the grant - social innovations, we have created a device that allows diabetics and a medical facility to store and transport medicines that require chilled temperature. The device has its own power supply that can be recharged at any time. It is reliable in terms of maintaining a constant temperature in the cooling chamber on hot days and frosts. Thanks to this, you can always be sure that the stored products are cooled or heated.

Shopmat LTD for Business

We design and produce social innovations developed on the basis of our own concepts supported by socio-business analyses. We have our own workshop and programming facilities, thanks to which the XoBox 0.2 Pocket device was created.

MARS Foundation for Social

We're the originator of the XoBox 0.2 Pocket device. Thanks to the device, we help people with diabetes and other diseases. Offering the device to the market, we increase accessibility for people with disabilities.

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